2. Uhhh...I think there's a sea monkey in the butter.
3. How big is a square foot?
4. Brian, I think you have a booger in your leg hair.
5. Theres no shame in lice.
6. Does the cookie dough bake in my stomach when eaten raw? To which Smarty Pants Sarah replies "Not unless your stomach is 350 degrees for 13 to 15 minutes.
I'm pretty sure no one is able to give a fair and balanced assessment of themselves. (Guess I've been hittin' the Fox News a little hard lately.)That said, just this weekend, my huband described me (in front of his mother) as 333. I say, "333?". He goes "Yeah, you're just half evil." He's so in love with me. I know this because not five minutes later he says if he could bottle and sell me, he'd be a rich man. Sounds a little obsessive and creepy. I love it!