Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Love Of My Life

Although, now that I'm posting this I'm realizing that it's a little strange that he posed like this for Sarah to take his picture. Actually, that's just more than a tiny bit wierd. Still, though, so cute!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cling to the Vine

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

That verse was sent to me today as part of a weekly devotional I subscribed to, and it had a prayer with it that I'll put below. It was exactly what I needed to hear today. God isn't impressed with our willpower when exercised apart from him. True victory in life comes when we cling to him, thereby using the power that he gives us to go forward. Abiding steadfastly in him we can live a life that is no longer a string of defeats, but rather one triumph after another.

“Jesus, You are the Vine that gives me life. I don’t want to live independently. I want to remain and partake of You. Prune me for greater fruitfulness so Your joy will come forth in my life."

Fizz Pics

Everything I love...

Where's Tyvola???

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Life's a Bench

This is my bench. Lake Norman Park and Recreation may not be aware that it's mine, but it belongs to me. A few hours out of every Thursday is "Mommy Time", and this is where it starts. Well, actually it starts at Starbucks, then straight to this bench. I used to have a place in Baton Rouge at the Arboretum, and although filled with the possibility of peace, it inevitably became a place of futile escape void of any real reflection with lasting value. But not my lake bench. Every moment is enveloped in prayer, thoughts of my family, my purpose, my goals, and yes, moments of complete nothingness, but it's on purpose now. One of my prayers is that I'll have a place like this attached to my home one day. Nothing elaborate, just cozy and mine. I believe I'll have that. But for now, I have a bench.