Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Farewell O!

It wasn't easy but I've managed to successfully discontinue my subscription to "O" magazine. Its arrival was always anticipated with excitement. What else this valuable fits in your mailbox? Besides Christmas checks from your parents or the random coupon for an oil change right when you need it? Anyway, it's all over. No more insight from experts regarding my anti-aging techniques. No more underground info on THE BEST books out there right now. No more being in the know about the latest innovative products from the "Look What We Found" section. And no more "What I Know For Sure". I always read the last page first, so I could know what Oprah "knew for sure" this month. Because no matter how much I disagree with what she sometimes says, there is something intriguing about the unfiltered thoughts of someone so motivated on so many different levels. However, I am pledging to no longer contribute to her "empire" through the discontinuing of my subscription. However genuine her spiritual search is, it has crossed into dangerous territory with her endorsement of the philosophy of people like Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle. I read "A New Earth" by E.T. and it would have enlightened me to our entire purpose as a people and to the true intentions of the people I love most in the world...that is if I hadn't read the warnings of exactly that kind of "enlightment" in the Bible. It's clear that her intentions are rooted in a sincere exploration for spiritual truth, but her influence is immeasurable which alone makes her a target for the deceiver. If it were my job to wreak havoc on this earth, I wouldn't carry a pitchfork and growl at people; I'd get Oprah on my side because she's smart, kind, powerful, and misinformed. Wow. And that's why I don't open the comments option on my posts. My point in saying all this is that I no longer subscribe to the "O" magazine. It's the right thing for me. However, as a tribute to all the things I do like about the magazine, I'll be posting random nuggets of "What I Know For Sure" everyday for the next week. I don't blog as much as I'd like so if I publicly commit to blogging everyday for a week then I know I'll do it.