Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow Day & Danny Playing in Car

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What I Know For Sure, Part 3, or 2, or Whatever. There's A Total of 7...I Think...

2.) Silver tooth fillings and the crutches the hospital gives you when you brake your leg are two things we should be ashamed of and are the equivalent of caveman technology.

3.) Even if it's only one, getting a tattoo is always a bad idea! Let's say you choose the perfect inconspicuous place, like, I don't know, your ankle. Well, you may keep your raging regret in check for a while because you've lost the flexibility required to actually see the ink blot referred to by your dying grandfather as a "jewish gang symbol". But, along with your capacity to stretch, you may also lose your agility with stairs and BRAKE YOUR LEG, thereby requiring surgery which will leave a 4 inch scar to complement your cute little blue star. STARS AREN'T BLUE! Now I'm tattoo'd and scarred. If someone in the bathroom stall leans down to ask for more toilet paper, I could be mistaken for a biker chick. Tattoo=Bad Idea.

4.) The only thing in this life that is like the first time everytime is popping a pimple.

5.) You should love your skinny friends with all you've got, because they are hated by so many.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What I Know For Sure...

1.) The only way to get out of a ticket when you've been caught running a red light is to convince the officer of your genuine shock and disgust at your own reckless offense. And if you can manage to do some big gestures conveying your sudden realization of what you're doing while you're passing under the big RED light, you just might seem too pitiful to pull over.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Farewell O!

It wasn't easy but I've managed to successfully discontinue my subscription to "O" magazine. Its arrival was always anticipated with excitement. What else this valuable fits in your mailbox? Besides Christmas checks from your parents or the random coupon for an oil change right when you need it? Anyway, it's all over. No more insight from experts regarding my anti-aging techniques. No more underground info on THE BEST books out there right now. No more being in the know about the latest innovative products from the "Look What We Found" section. And no more "What I Know For Sure". I always read the last page first, so I could know what Oprah "knew for sure" this month. Because no matter how much I disagree with what she sometimes says, there is something intriguing about the unfiltered thoughts of someone so motivated on so many different levels. However, I am pledging to no longer contribute to her "empire" through the discontinuing of my subscription. However genuine her spiritual search is, it has crossed into dangerous territory with her endorsement of the philosophy of people like Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle. I read "A New Earth" by E.T. and it would have enlightened me to our entire purpose as a people and to the true intentions of the people I love most in the world...that is if I hadn't read the warnings of exactly that kind of "enlightment" in the Bible. It's clear that her intentions are rooted in a sincere exploration for spiritual truth, but her influence is immeasurable which alone makes her a target for the deceiver. If it were my job to wreak havoc on this earth, I wouldn't carry a pitchfork and growl at people; I'd get Oprah on my side because she's smart, kind, powerful, and misinformed. Wow. And that's why I don't open the comments option on my posts. My point in saying all this is that I no longer subscribe to the "O" magazine. It's the right thing for me. However, as a tribute to all the things I do like about the magazine, I'll be posting random nuggets of "What I Know For Sure" everyday for the next week. I don't blog as much as I'd like so if I publicly commit to blogging everyday for a week then I know I'll do it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Apparently my lack of blogging has left some of you feeling empty, unfulfilled, and longing for the details that make up the carnival that is my life. The wait is over. Your cries have been heard. I understand your anger. I mean, even I want to know more about my life. Some may see it as a mind numbingly predictable routine. But they obviously haven't experienced the jitters of morning drop off with Will at school, or the reward of waking every morning to the refreshing roar of a suddenly terrified toddler who realizes he's alone. And anyone who could think my life a bore has clearly never felt the thrill of a three pointer with a #2 diaper. Allow me to explain to all those that haven't witnessed my super hero-like gift with their own eyes. If a diaper of a certain weight is wrapped tightly enough and the winds are just calm enough, I can sink that stink from at least 25 feet (all the way from by back door to the garbage can at the end of the garage). I will admit, though, that I have no concept of feet, or distance in general, or chronological events in history, or a tablespoon, or a yard stick, or a quart...pretty much any jargin useful when measuring. Now I can't stop thinking of them...a lightyear, a cubic foot, an octave, a leauge. Was all of this covered on one day at school when I'd slept in? Because I couldn't read the clock..okay that was funny. Where was I? Oh yes, our life may appear to be mundane, repetitive, or formulaic. But do not be deceived. The four of us manage to make life an olympicesque challenge with what normal folk might call just daily responsibilities. For example, I have become emotionally invested in the ongoing mystery of why, upon finishing everyones laundry, do all three boys have perfectly matched up socks yet EVERYTIME my own personal stack of clothes is topped with a mountain of socks that are all so unique I can't even pretend that this one might go with that one. And another thing, just how is it possible that Daniel is so often jolted awake at night simply by me turning off my lamp and then fluffing my pillow. So, look, this is nonsense, I'm aware but you can't expect me to deliver the goods when I'm not blogging as a result of inspiration. I've been in a creative rut, or a posting pothole if you will. It's not easy trying to look like a normal family. How 'bout I just shut it and post some random pics? Okay? Okay.

Friday, July 25, 2008

No Baby Like Brady

I was just going through some picture files and stumbled upon this cutie. This sweet thing is Brady. He is the son of one of my very best friends, Emily. Anyway, since it's suffocatingly hot these days, I was delighted to find this little snowman floating around in my pictures. He'll charm you within the first 3 minutes of meeting him. Most kids (like mine) are adorable in pictures or at least from a considerable distance, but this is a child you would genuinely look forward to dining with in a restaurant. Don't get me wrong, I'm crazy in love with my boys, but the last time we ate out Daniel was at the height of his "pick mommy's nose" fettish, and William ordered six peppermint patties for lunch. Just saw this picture and thought how refreshing to see a baby in the snow, and such a well behaved one, too. And here's one of just "mimosa" and myself, and then all three ya ya's. Love my girls!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Day In The Life

We stayed home all day, built a fort with the kitchen table, ate popsicles, bowled with 10 water bottles weighted with a little rice, and made a "Thank you for the beach" card for Mimi which involved lots of glue and glitter and sadly turned out to be just a piece of paper with random splatters of glue and glitter. But as I take a little time to post this, I hear Will scream from the next room "OUCH! Mommy, Daniel just stuck his finger up my nose, slapped me in the face, then bit my leg." Is it wrong that that's the best part of my day?